Black Deaf
Deaf People of Color
The resources below are a collection of websites, videos, books, readings, and other learning materials we found helpful over time. This list is constantly growing and is a compilation of resources shared with us over social media, found on YouTube, created by the Black Deaf community or disability support organizations. If you use these resources, please credit the individual(s) or organization that labored to put the material together. This information can be found within each link. Please use these resources as a starting point to incorporate Black Deaf life, experiences, and history into your courses and/or to expand your understanding and knowledge about the diversity, needs, history, and complexities of Black community life.
By Dr. Rezenet Tsegay Moges
Black Deaf Ph.D Project
The Powerful History Story about Deaf Black & White Students Separated
Black, Disabled, and Proud: College Students with Disabilities
History of the Maryland School for the Colored Deaf and Blind
Black Deaf History- Southern School for the Deaf
​The Necessity of Now: Honoring Black Deaf Children & Black Teachers of Kendall School Division II
Interview with Glennis Matthews, first Black Deaf Woman superintendent
Class of '52
(Black Deaf Segregated Schools film)
International Black Deaf Perspectives & Resources
Deaf and Destined to Bridge the World | Isidore Niyongabo | TEDxSDSU
Dr. Andrew Foster, Ghana and the Roots of Deaf Education in Africa
Documentary Deaf Rolemodels in Kenya, Africa
National Black Deaf Advocates (NBDA)
Born Too Soon? Willard Shorter (Founder of NBDA)
Helping to Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities
International Deaf Education and Leadership (IDEAL)
Give Back To Community- Zambia (GBCZ)
Sports Silent Dreams
Since childhood it was this Deaf basketball player's "Silent Dream" to play with hearing players on a professional basketball team. In 2004 Osei Morris was the first Deaf African American to play in the American Basketball Association (ABA) with the "LA-Stars." Osei narrates his once in a lifetime experience. This mini-doc was shot by a deaf female filmmaker and edited by a student editor; it is voiced and captioned.
Black Deaf Collective Information
Black Deaf Culture Through the Lens of Black Deaf History
By Benro Ogunyipe, Former NBDA President 2011-2013
ASUW Student Disability Commission
Black Deaf Center
Center for Black Deaf Studies- Gallaudet University
Black American Sign Language
​‘ASL Bae’: Get to know Black ASL interpreter Billy Sanders
Celebrating and preserving Black American Sign Language
The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure (Book & DVD) (2011) (paperback 2020
​Chapter 1
Chapter 2-
Chapter 3-
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5-
Chapter 6-
Chapter 7-
Chapter 8-
Chapter 9-
Publications/Media By & About Black Deaf Communities
Class of ‘52 (Video) (1990)
Sounds Like Home: Growing Up Black and Deaf in the South (1999)
God Knows His Name: The True Story of John Doe No. 24 (2000)
Far from Home: Memories of World War II and Afterward (2005)
Nathie - No Hand Me Downs (DVD) (2005)
Still I Rise: The Enduring Legacy of Black Deaf Arkansans Before & After Integration (DVD and Booklet) (2006)
Unspeakable: The Story of Junius Wilson (2007)
In spite of Obstacles: A History of the West Virginia Schools for the Colored Deaf and Blind (2001)
The Segregated Georgia School for the Deaf 1882-1975 (2015)